
Seadoak improves IT and Business services that are important to people all over the world.


SeadOak has experience in IT for Government, Health Care, Transport and has worked with organisations of all sizes from sole traders to multinational companies with thousands of employees. From small beginnings to the mighty oak, we will be pleased to assist you.

SeadOak has a history of working with organisations that have a mission to improve society. This gives SeadOak a missional understanding which is not generally present in public limited companies with shareholders.

SeadOak is based in the West Midlands which provides a central location for reaching the whole of the UK. SeadOak uses modern technologies to remotely provide support services to businesses in other countries such as Australia and New Zealand.

SeadOak is committed to minimising its carbon footprint and aims to become a carbon neutral company. SeadOak shares 10% of its profits with a number of charities working in third world countries and with young, frail and vulnerable members of society.

Whilst committed to remaining profitable, SeadOak’s primary aim is to ensure its customers are happy and will always strive to go the extra mile to ensure that our customers’ needs are met. This approach has resulted in customers returning to SeadOak time and time again for help with their Business or IT Services.

“Unless we strive for Heaven on Earth, we won’t see it.” – Jonathan Seadon: Owner of SeadOak.

Whilst we cannot guarantee to get you through the gates of heaven, we will do our best to make sure your IT doesn’t give you hell.

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